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Boards’ Skills Analysis

Shaping the Future of Governance

Enables the organisation and the board to understand if the diverse composition of the board has the right and optimal skill sets. fundamental for the effective functioning of the Company relevant to its industry of operation, and company’s strategy.

Why Boards’ Skills Analysis is important for your Boardroom?

With effect from Financial Year ending 31st March, 2019 all listed companies are required to publish a list of core skills/ expertise/ competencies identified by the board of directors as required in the context of its business for it to function effectively and identifying which are available in the board currently.

With effect from Financial Year ending 31st March, 2020, the names of director having each of these skills is also required to be published in the report.

Now that board skills analysis and presentation in the annual report is made mandatory by SEBI, this is where Institute of Directors (IOD) comes into the picture as we conduct full skill assessments to determine the needs of the company keeping in mind the present and future requirements of the business. Our panel of experts having industry wide experience helps organisations to fill in the gaps through their industry knowledge and expertise.