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Book Review - The Definite Guide to Thriving on Disruption

Volume I - Reframing and Navigating Disruption

This is a field guide for businesses and individuals alike to navigate change, a compass, a system of content, resources, and ideas on how to stay relevant and capture opportunities in our rapidly changing world.

Volume II - Essential Frameworks for Disruption and Uncertainty

Volume II offers practical frameworks to help you and your business stay relevant in the 21st century. The discussed AAA Framework offers accessible tools and practical applications to build antifragile foundations, develop the capabilities to be anticipatory, and use emergent, strategic and cognitive agility to make effective decisions, impactful investments, and drive true innovation. As change is certain and omnipresent, we must also learn to thrive by mastering the language of disruption through the 6 I's framework: Intuition, Inspiration, Imagination, Improvisation, Invention, and Impossible. Together, these frameworks ensure that we go beyond resilience or adaptability to actually thrive on disruption and uncertainty.

Volume III - BETA your life: You're Existence in a Disruptive World

Volume III shares the tactics, tools, and resources on how to create one's personal and professional futures and stay relevant despite constant change and unpredictability.

Volume IV - Disruption as a Springboard to Value Creation

Volume IV focuses on strategic decision making and anticipatory governance systems for our deeply uncertain world. It explores the following questions:

(1.) How can we develop anticipatory governance?
(2.) What opportunities are created by the energy transition?
(3.) How can organizations approach ecosystem innovation through Business Models as a System (BMaaS)?
(4.) How will industries intersect, converge, and then emerge in the next era of digital disruption?
(5.) Why is space an investment theme, more than just a place?
(6.) What could change as the centre of gravity shifts to Asia and Africa?


Mr. Roger Spitz

He holds the position of President at Techistential (Global Foresight Strategy) and serves as Chairman of the Disruptive Futures Institute in San Francisco. With two decades of experience in leading investment banking and venture capital enterprises, he offers counsel to CEOs, founders, boards, and shareholders, assessing their competitiveness, strategic investments, and impending disruptions. Additionally, Mr. Spitz holds advisory roles in various companies, climate councils, VC funds, and academic institutions across the globe.

Owned by: Institute of Directors, India

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